
Series of Creative Workshops for Children "Colors of Friendship: Ukraine-Latvia"

May 02, 2024 Series of Creative Workshops for Children "Colors of Friendship: Ukraine-Latvia"

The charity foundation SemarglS, in collaboration with the Honorary Consul of the Latvian Republic in Chernihiv and the Chernihiv region, Olena Vyshniakova invites the children of the city to participate in a series of workshops "Colors of Friendship: Ukraine-Latvia"!

We believe that creativity can unite hearts and strengthen the friendship between nations. That is why we are organizing a series of exciting creative workshops where each participant can experience the rich culture of Latvia by creating their own masterpieces.

Under the guidance of experienced artists, children will have the opportunity to unleash their creative potential, learn new techniques, and create unique works filled with the colors of friendship. We aim for every child to feel the joy of creativity and find new friends.

The best works of the participants will be showcased in exhibitions in Chernihiv and then sent to our friends in Latvia as a symbol of strong friendship between our peoples. This is a unique opportunity for young talents to make a statement and become part of the cultural dialogue between Ukraine and Latvia.

Furthermore, our charity program aims to support children affected by the war, offering them a chance to escape from sad thoughts and find joy in creativity. We believe every child deserves a happy and carefree childhood filled with bright colors and positive emotions. Join us and become part of the magical world of "Colors of Friendship"! Let's create beauty, make friends, and build bridges between our countries together. We are waiting for you with open hearts and inspiration!

The program is for:

  1. Children and youth aged 7 to 18.
  2. Students from general education schools, art schools, clubs, and studios in Chernihiv.
  3. Children from large, low-income families.
  4. Internally displaced children and children of combatants.
  5. Children who have psychologically suffered from the war.

How to participate in the program

Fill out the registration form at the link