
Parent Support Groups 'Parental Wing': Overcoming the Challenges of War Together

May 02, 2024 Parent Support Groups 'Parental Wing': Overcoming the Challenges of War Together

About the program

The charity foundation SemarglS, together with the Honorary Consul of the Latvian Republic in Chernihiv and the Chernihiv region, Olena Vyshniakova, is launching support groups for parents called "Parental Wing." We understand how difficult it is for parents to raise children in wartime conditions and want to extend a helping hand to those in need.

Our goal is to create a safe space where parents can share their experiences, receive support, and useful advice from experienced psychologists. We believe that together we can overcome any challenges and ensure our children have a happy childhood, despite difficult circumstances.

As part of our charitable program, we organize regular meetings where qualified professionals will help parents cope with stress, find answers to pressing questions, and develop effective parenting strategies in wartime. Participants will receive practical tools and emotional support to help them become more resilient and confident.

We invite all parents in Chernihiv and the Chernihiv region, especially those who have experienced stress or traumatic experiences due to the war, to join our support groups. Let's build a strong community together, where everyone feels heard, understood, and supported. Reach out for help—we are here to support you during these challenging times. Together, we can give our children love, care, and hope for a better future.

This is program is for

You can join the "Parental Wing" support group if:

  1. You have children up to 18 years old
  2. You live in Chernihiv or the Chernihiv region and need psychological and emotional support.
  3. You are experiencing the effects of stress or trauma due to the war.
  4. Priority is given to parents who are internally displaced persons.

How to join the program

Fill out the registration form at the link.